Because energy is the root of our existence, we can start here. Ancient people began the development of advanced systems for understanding the role of energy many thousands of years ago. Following development over millennia, western astrology is one of the most complex, advanced and versatile methodologies available for understanding our
energetic makeup. With recent upgrades in technology, we can combine this age-old system with contemporary applications in order to continue the modern progress of a time-honored tradition. 
With accurate data documenting the exact time and place of birth, an astrologer can access the resonant universe totally singular to an individuals’ energetic vibration. This computer-rendering of the cosmic skies depicts how the planetary positions and interrelationships form geometric patterns relevant to traits and psychological characteristics that arise from our energetic constitution. This one-of-a-kind key is known as a natal or birth chart and it represents fundamental aspects of who we are on a quantum level. 
As members of an ever-evolving universe, change is an inevitable aspect of existence. Life is an opportunity that undoubtedly impacts our exclusive frequency, with or without our awareness! As in all areas of human experience, bringing consciousness to this remarkable equation increases our ability to influence, coordinate and direct the development of ourselves and our evolving energy body. An astrological ‘Natal Chart’ is an unlimited individualized tool that can aid personal growth for a lifetime.