“Astrology was my only comfort at times. Allowing this cosmic language to tell my story led to understanding that gave context to my struggle. This connected me with opportunities to cultivate profound inner growth, even when I couldn’t walk.” ~ Joelle
I am an astrologer who works with those on a path of personal growth towards greater potential. I know first-hand the courage it takes to confront epic challenges in real-world healing. Years of fighting chronic health issues and enduring the effects of childhood trauma left me energetically drained, emotionally exhausted and unwell. Healing mind, body and spirit nearly consumed my life, little did I know my struggle had just begun. When my car was crushed by a commercial truck at 31 years old, I was left further traumatized and physically depleted. I had no idea that the next decade would become one of the darkest and most difficult times I have ever known. Severe physical alignment disorders and repeated musculoskeletal injuries had unleashed havoc within my already struggling body. Riddled with an aftermath of constant chronic pain, immobilizing muscular instability and an avalanche of bureaucratic legal issues, my life was shattered. I would have to move through the profound process of transformation, whether I wanted to or not!
The next years were spent in and out of various legal and medical offices while barely making a living. Alongside a rigorous daily rehabilitation routine, healing inside and out consumed my days and nights. From medical to spiritual, traditional to eclectic, western to eastern, I tried everything to settle my nervous system, relieve the chronic pain and gain back my full ability. However, it wasn’t until I discovered the elusive realm of energy that I could truly begin to gain control and uplift myself. Ignited by a series of wondrous brushes with psychic phenomena, I became fascinated with the vibrantly wild riches I encountered in the quiet and isolation of physical disability. Sagacious messages and echoing synchronicities led me places I could not have envisioned, it was as though the universe was speaking directly to me. I was taken to an area of perception that even as an art school graduate, art teacher and professional craftsperson were perplexing! What explained these supernatural events that took me beyond even my own acutely developed imagination?
My curiosity led me to a lifelong passion in advanced astrology work. I began listening
to lectures and practicing in bed while I healed. I took classes online and started
writing horoscopes as practice after limitations forced me to abandon a beloved career
in the arts. In 2017 I took up formal training in force field energetics through
The Sente Center sentecenter.net  with founders Paul and Patty Richards. The following year, I advanced my astrological studies under one of my heroes, legendary Astrologer Rick Levine patreon.com/ricklevine  I continue to study with my teachers in an effort to advance my understanding, enhance my skills and achieve more nuanced development. With years of research, education, mentorship, professional practice, plus an incomparable journey through the profound labyrinth of disabling chronic disease, I am elated to share my knowledge using the ancient tool of astrology. 
I have been inspired through my own struggles and triumphs to assist others in navigating the challenging terrain of thriving as human in a complex reality. I use the foundation of basic spacial orientation, as well as traditional and modern astrological technique, to enhance my clients’ understanding of themselves and the universe. My educational background provides a practical approach to working with cosmic patterns while considering individual energetic makeup during client sessions. Diving to these depths can offer profound insight into areas of life such as personal dynamics, relationships, career, life path and individual purpose. Consultations often bring sweeping revelations and enhanced perception. They can be a restorative catalyst for healing, clarity, growth, change, creativity and authentic expression.
With great respect I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present. With gratitude, I actively honor the land itself, the Duwamish, and all Coast Salish peoples who have been stewards of this region since time immemorial.